Schön has added one of the hottest peels on the market to our service list…

BioRePeel has quickly become one of the most popular facials and for good reason! This innovative treatment dissolves bonds between cells that carefully remove the top layer of skin revealing the glowing and smooth layer underneath. While exfoliating the skin surface, it also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. It is a TCA 35% chemical peel that provides BIOstimulation, REvitalization, PEELing with zero downtime with no snake-like skin shedding.

Where Biostimulation amplifies the fibroblasts to significantly improve the texture with instant results; Revitalization is responsible for healthy skin formation. Peeling provides skin renewal.

To achieve all of these, the peel contains a blend of the following:

  • TCA 35% to improve skin texture, scars and pigmentation
  • Salicylic acid to decongest the pores & help with excessive oil
  • Tartaric acid to brighten the skin
  • Lactobionic acid to ensure better intercellular metabolism
  • Vitamin C to provide an antioxidant effect and strengthens the capillaries
  • Amino acids & Vitamin B2 to revitalize and stimulate the formation of new healthy cells, derived from stress, damage, and exhaust.

This pharmaceutically developed mix of vitamins and amino acids stimulates the new skin growth, while mitigating UV damage, fading the scarring and effects of fine lines and aging. BioRePeel is formulated with a patented, biphasic technology that simultaneously exfoliates and nourishes the skin.

We love this peel for its amazing immediate results, safety, and extremely short downtime.

It’s safe for all skin types, skin tones and can be done all year round. It’s best paired with dermaplaning or microneedling in a series of 4-6 treatments.

The Lipophilic Phase (blue layer) contains moisturizing and hydrating ingredients, while the Hydrophilic Phase (yellow layer) contains exfoliating and anti-aging ingredients. These two phases are mixed creating an iconic green color.